Job Offers in Tirana, Profession Kamarier , With experience, Payment 40,000 Leke. Tirana

Job Offers 07/04/2024 18:13 Post ID: 260747


40,000 Leke

Kamarier, Work Experience: With experience
👷 Full-Time Job/Internal Full Time
Education I Mesem
Age E Pa Percaktuar
City - Zone Tirana - Spitali QSUT/Xhamlliku/Kinostudio
Address Rruga Kongresi i Manastirit Tirane,Shqiperia - Maps
Reads 322
Bar Marti & Keko kerkon kamarier, preferohet me eksperience pune. Ambjent miqesor dhe kushte shume te mira pune.
Afati i fundit i aplikimit: 02/05/2024 15:37