Job Offers in Vlora, Profession Inxhinier Mekanin (elektromekanik) Ekonomist financier te brendshem , With experience, Payment By Agreement. Vlora

Job Offers 19/11/2023 14:00 Post ID: 193828


By Agreement

Inxhinier Mekanin (elektromekanik) Ekonomist financier te brendshem, Work Experience: With experience
👷 Full-Time Job/Internal Full Time
Education Master
Age E Pa Percaktuar
City - Zone Vlora - Narte
Address Novosele,Shqiperia - Maps
Reads 826

Kerkojme inxhinier mekanik(elektromekanik) dhe ekonomist financier te brendshem me eskperience.

-Inxhinieri mekanik te kete njohuri dhe aftesi te mira ne perdorimin e Autocad-it.

-Gjithashtu eksperience ne perdorimin e makinerive CNC eshte e rendesishme. 

-Rroga me marreveshje. 

Vendndodhja: HemaComponents, 


πŸ“²πŸ“žTe interesuarit mund te kontaktojne ne numrin tone te telefonit  ose ne WhatsApp!