Job Offers in Tirana, Profession AGJENT Shperndarje , With experience, Payment 50,000 Leke. Tirana

Job Offers 19/08/2023 01:00 Post ID: 164367


50,000 Leke

Product Manager
AGJENT Shperndarje, Work Experience: With experience
👷 Full-Time Job/Internal Full Time
Education I Mesem
Age 30-40 Vjece
City - Zone Tirana - Tjeter zone
Address Superstrada Tirane-Durres, km 4, Kashar - Maps
Reads 391

Aquila Liquori kerkon te punesoje agjent Shperndarje/Shofer ne sektorin HORECA/Retail

- Agjent shperndarje Porosish me pervoje ne sektorin Horeca/Retail, Tirane
- Njohje e mire e bar-restorant, marketeve, Supermarketeve
te Tiranes.
- Preferohet me Eksperience ne kete sektor.

Detyrat e agjentit jane Furnizimi i Klienteve sipas Route dhe Porosive ditore.

Afati i fundit i aplikimit: 07/05/2024 08:38